Some signs that show the child is interested in potty training:
*mimicking you when you go the bathroom- pulling down pants
*sitting on the potty without being asked
* having a dry diaper for 2 hours or more
*showing cues, and signs when making movements or about having to pee ( think the pee pee dance, or hiding because they have to poop)
Girls tend to potty train faster then boys, but again this depends totally on the child. If there is 3 older sisters, then chances are the youngest boy will potty train fast due to wanting to be like the older siblings. You can start off potty training slow, by just placing the child on the potty every night before bath time. The running water noise will also assist in the encouragement of peeing. You can keep a stack of books near the potty to read when sitting on the potty. You can also search on google for potty training ideas..everything from building a racecar for the potty to a throne and castle will be there.
We found rewards that worked, and used them until they weren't needed any longer. Some ideas are : smarties, matchbox cars in a bag under the sink, chart with stickers, bag of special toys. You can however get suckered into buying bigger gifts ( ie my son liked Disney cars- so after spending my life savings on ebay buying- mater/ sally/ and hard to find cars), I wouldn't recommend this! (see below for picture)
Another tip is to coordinate with your daycare so that you are both on the same page, and tackling potty training together. Try several potties to see which work the best for you. You might also go for the smaller seat on the toilet with a stool. I would suggest to avoid the "singing" potties. Our experience was they go off in the middle of the night. Like 2am.."oh boy you used the potty..yippee and then a song..Sometimes pants and underwear can give children the false feeling of diapers. I personally found it easier to potty train in the summer, where we could let my son run in the backyard with a t-shirt on, and potties on the deck. Keep in mind as well if you encourage your son/ daughter to pee on the trees in the backyard, this will continue at preschool ( yes from past experience).
Elimination Communication is another form of potty training, but at a much younger age. You can start at any age- some start right from birth other's wait till baby can hold head up, others when baby is 6-7 months old. The method is to communicate with your baby- ie make the peee noise when they are going, ask if they have to go pee, wait 10-15 after nursing/or bottle and hold over potty or sink. Lots of diaper free time, time playing in the shower just in case there is accidents, lots of praise for dry diapers.
Also if your baby has a red face & is grunting that is the perfect time to place on the potty, or ie older edge of toilet seat. The extraordinary Baby shoppe holds ECing drop in's/meetings in their basement. Call to see when the next one is.
Other tips to remember:
*when potty training always get the child to attempt using the toilet before leaving the house
*bring a change of clothing for child
*children will often be afraid of the loud automatic bathrooms in malls, find places that you can stop that are more comfortable
*keep toilet paper/ wipes in your car, often when they are at the park is when they choose to go
*have more patience, then you normally have. For me this was a struggle..I already have low patience!